Travelling to Oppdal

The easiest way to travel to Oppdal is by train, either from Oslo or from Trondheim.

It is also possible to drive and you will find free parking easily accessible in Oppdal and around the festival venue. If you are a pilot, Oppdal has a small air strip, so flying in is always an option!

The nearest real airport for regular traffic is Trondheim Airport about 150 km north of Oppdal. There are connecting trains and buses from Trondheim to Oppdal.

It`s also easy to arrive Oppdal via Oslo Airport Gardermoen. The train to Oppdal through the marvelous valley Gudbrandsdalen and over the mountain/national park Dovrefjell is a beautiful trip. It takes about four and a half hours, but you practically arrive in the festival at Oppdal station.


If you have any questions, send an email to and she will help you the best she can.

Hope to see you in Oppdal!